Why subscribe?

In 2016, it became clear to me that preserving a democratic America required my getting off the couch and becoming involved. I was a high school teacher (now, recently retired) who taught multicultural students who came from the kind of hard-working families Trump insulted and hurt with words and policies. He saw the presidency as a chance to benefit himself on the world stage using cruelty and greed for his benefit. He was booted out of office on Nov. 3, 2020. But Trump’s venality knew no bounds as he has now not stopped trying to steal back the presidency, with much ongoing, aggressive assistance from his unscrupulous devotees.

I started fighting back because I looked at my bright, beautiful granddaughter and did not want to see her and my new grandson as living in the kind of country Trump was creating: a cruel, oppressive autocracy where, among other evils, voting would become a token exercise in futility.  The fix would always be “in.”

In fighting back I took baby steps by resurrecting my writing skills to support, with my comments in the New York Times; Washington Post; and elsewhere, those of us who were/could be/had been affected by the cruelty and imbecility of Trump’s politics and were also speaking out. One of my comments garnered more than 4,000 “likes” in the Times one Sunday as many of us were discussing a Maureen Dowd column about Trump’s attempts to destroy the Affordable Care Act. As I wrote I also learned much from others who were writing in those venues. Some worked in the government and had first-hand observations of how bad it had become under Trump.

Over time, I came to believe I was finding my political voice, one that I had buried for years working in consequential jobs for big corporations before teaching. I had come to terms at last with a reality that my words could inform others…and help create communities of like-minded individuals who understood Trump’s danger to America and want information that may become revelatory in developing their voices, too.  I look forward to your joining me on this journey.

Subscribe to CMary: The Resistant Grandmother

Written information with both a light and hard touch to save my children, grandchildren, and yours from a dystopian future under Trump and Trumpism.